To Post or Not To Post?
Why do I keep posting things about the Lovely Olivia?!
Well, Why Not? Just Look at Her Adorable Face!
For 2 years of Olivia's life, I really struggled to answer this question. I felt bad for posting because I didn't want to focus so much on Olivia's disability. I also didn't want people to feel sorry for me because Olivia is perfectly fine the way that she is.
But now I understand why I'm writing posts (it took about 2 years of her life to understand)!
Here are the reasons!
I write:
to support other parents in their journey with raising their child.
to educate others that raising a child with Down Syndrome isn't as bad as it seems.
to empower parents to be an advocate for their child, so it can help in their child's development.
to encourage parents that being involved in your child development is key to their child's future development.
for those mothers/parents that found out that their child has a Down Syndrome or a disability and they don't know what to do.
for those parents that have to make a decision if they want to keep their unborn child with a disability or abort the baby.
to encourage parents that are overwhelmed by all of the therapy appointments that they have attend, so their child can get developmental help.
for those parents that need direction in how to care for their child with special needs.
Every child, disability or not, deserves the educational/literacy/social exposure that will help set them up for the future. This pertains to all of my children's life. My children's needs are each different, just like every single person's needs are different on this Earth. Olivia's needs just may need a little more attention than the rest of my children.
The Lord has blessed me with Olivia and my boys and I'm truly grateful! I ultimately believe my purpose in life is to glory the Lord. This life isn't about me, but it about the Lord and what he would want to do for others. If I can use the gift that I was blessed with to help/encourage another person, then I'm going to use my gift to the fullest! Hopefully you are doing the same, you never know how your gift can help another person!
So, YES, I will continue to post and I won't feel bad about it!
There are way too many people that need encouragement!
**If you know anyone that has a child with a disability and they may need encouragement, then share this blog with them. You never know how it will bless them.**
*If these posts are helpful to you or if you want updates of Olivia and her progress, please subscribe to my blog.