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Go, Olivia, Go! Who's On Your Team?!

Who's cheering for your child?

Well Olivia (who is 2 yrs. old) has an outstanding cheering team! Just like an athletic team, kids with disabilities ( or typical kids) need a team of people that will love, challenge, and encourage them to thrive in their development!

You may wonder who would be on her team! First and foremost, it has been our relationship with Jesus and prayer, that has allowed us to discern what is best for Olivia (which has led us to Olivia's team). Serving on her team are: Social Workers, Occupational, Physical, Speech, and Educational Therapist! She also has her parents and many, many doctors that serve on her team! It first starts at home with the parent advocating for their child's development, then reaching out to others that can help in the process.

Since Olivia had some development delays at an early age because of the lack of nutrition, we had to play catch up. Having a feeding tube and a great team, allowed Olivia that opportunity to grow and develop! With me being an Educator, Olivia has been benefiting from learning early literacy (I never imagined that I would be her teacher outside of being her parent).

Olivia can now with all of our help:

  • Walk properly (she has SMO's, which gives her foot support)

  • Eat all types of food independently

  • Independently drink various types of liquids by mouth with a straw

  • Communicate effectively through sign language (she knows many signs)

  • Is starting to make sounds with her voice to develop her vocabulary words

  • She can say the sounds of each letter in the alphabet

  • She can sign the alphabets and do letter recognition

  • Take turns sharing during play time

  • Ask for help

  • Learn various commands like "Can you get your book?" or "Pick up"

  • Learn how to play independently

  • Have structure in her day to day schedule

  • Learn to draw with a marker and crayon

  • And many more things!

Remember, as Olivia is learning, we are learning too! I never imagined myself learning and communicating via sign. When I learn something from her team, that allows me to reiterate what was learned at home (kind of like "homework"). The therapists and doctors have taught me so much and have answered many, many questions!

I am so happy for her progress! Whenever I feel discouraged about Olivia's progress, I'm encouraged by this team because we all have one mission in mind, that we want the best for Olivia as she grows into a beautiful Young Lady!




Remember, you get to pick and choose your team! So if you don't think its a good fit, then change the players on the team! I know every one on my team will push Olivia where she needs to go in life. They don't play games with her and I know its coming from a loving place.

If you know anyone that is going through a similar situation, please share my Blog with them, you never know how it could encourage them!

**Make sure you go over to the Olivia Madison Store to encourage another person with a gift at .**

Lessons Learned From This Experience

You are your child's advocate!
Be in close communication with your child's teacher!
Pray for the best!





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