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The Struggle is REAL!

I must admit.

Can I be REAL for a moment (not saying that I'm not real/transparent all the time)?

As a mother of a special needs child, it can be difficult to scroll through your Instagram/Facebook account at times and see other mother's posting milestone pictures of their child. And what makes it worse at times, is the fact that these younger babies/toddlers are reaching milestones that Olivia is now just reaching.

I also hate when I go to Olivia's yearly physical or wellness child visits and the doctor's office have parents fill out a milestones questionnaire! I absolutely hate it because it is not geared towards her development, so I tend to not fill it out! It is not special needs friendly! I think these situations hit home to me because most days I don't think about Olivia having a disability; I just think about how my child can grow in a healthy manner just like my son, Alex.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for those mothers! Post all the pictures you want (I know you don't need my permission) because that is your child! Your child is adorable, lovable, cute, and many great things! It is always a blessing to see babies/toddlers growing!

I'm just saying it can be a struggle from time to time because it just reminds me of her disability (not saying I'm in denial)! You just don't want your child to fall behind on the learning curve. I'm sure this is normal for some moms to feel this way when their child is not grasping something in school or is falling behind on something important.


The Point Is...



So, to combat this issue that pops up from time to time, I just focus on all of the individual milestones that the Lord has allowed for Olivia to reach! And she is doing a fantastic job reaching those milestones. She is reaching them more quickly than I thought she would!

I also focus on the fact that this is how the Lord has made her! Just like He has made me and everyone else. I have my weaknesses, my son has his weaknesses, and my husband has his weaknesses. What makes Olivia's weaknesses different than any other person? All of our weaknesses look different from individual to individual.

This move to Charlotte, NC has been a blessing! I'm able to work with Olivia as well as attend all her therapy sessions with her. All her therapists push her, especially with her becoming more and more stubborn. She also has a strong support system from our family, friends, and our church families (New Song Community and Quail Hollow Presbyterian)! And moving here has given Olivia the opportunity move around and explore her environment. These factors have helped tremendously in her development!


This post isn't about me being jealous, but about me sharing a struggle of a special needs mom. I also share this for mom's that may feel the same way I do, and I want to encourage them that they are not alone. So I would say to other mothers of special needs children or the mothers of children that struggle in their development (academically, mentally, or physically), that your child will develop into who the Lord intended for them to be. As long as we as parents are there to love and support them through their journey, they will be just fine.

But the great thing about struggles: It makes you STRONGER!

These situations have made me stronger and stronger each day! When Olivia struggles, she will learn and grow to appreciate all that she has gone through. Olivia will then be able to share how she overcame her struggles, so she is able to help others!

Lessons Learned From This Experience

You are your child's advocate!
Be in close communication with your child's teacher!
Pray for the best!





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