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How Acid Reflux Changed My Life for the Best

One Part of My Story

You are probably thinking, "How can Acid Reflux be one of the best things that has happened to you?" I know that sounds crazy, but it is true!

Now let me just EXPLAIN!

So y'all have been keeping track of my life with Olivia and how well she is progressing. This has been a rewarding transition but difficult. Now I'm not only a mother of one, but TWO! And on top of that I'm a full time Science teacher and a wife! I MEAN, TALK ABOUT BUSY!

Once I had Olivia my body just changed. I was so longing to eat all of the things that I didn't have during pregnancy like CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, AND MORE CHOCOLATE! Also sweet tea, shrimp, half and half (tea and lemonade), donuts, coffee, and did I say CHOCOLATE!

But shortly after I had Olivia, I started to experience some SEVERE CHEST PAINS! All I could think is "WHY ME?!" I just carried baby girl for 9 months and some change and now THIS! YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING!

So of course I didn't feel like this was fair. IT IS ALWAYS ME THAT HAS TO GO THROUGH SOMETHING!!

So the chest pains continued 3 other times. It felt like I was having a heart attack, so I decided to get it checked out at the Emergency Room (which this ended up being a very long adventure to find out that I only had ACID REFLUX!) WHAT IN THE WORLD? I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD EXPERIENCE SO MUCH PAIN LIKE THIS! The doctors said that the Acid Reflux was caused by the stress of my new life!

So there went the sweet tea, fries, fried foods, coffee, macaroni and cheese, CHOCOLATE, PIZZA, and tomato sauce! OUT WITH THE OLD!


This has forced me to think about my health and what I was putting in my body! SO MUCH FUN (If you know me I can be very sarcastic!)

So as I was changing my lifestyle, I got to watch other people eat what they desired, especially when I went to restaurants with my husband. WHAT A GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!

Lesson Learned: Sometimes we think that the worst things in life can be terrible for us, but if you think about it, it could be the BEST THING that could happen to you! I got to the point where I had to see through the eyes of Jesus. I was wondering what I was supposed to learn from this situation.

I felt like the Lord was telling me that I needed to make some changes in my life that would not only be beneficial to me, but to others in my family. With me eating a lot more healthier, I may get the energy I need to make it from day to day. I can be an example to my family, children, and friends. This also allows me to also get rid of the baby fat I accumulated in the last pregnancy!

After all, the Lord has given us one body and I'm responsible for taking care of it. So I want to be at a point where I want to take care of myself and what the Lord has blessed me with!

If you are currently going through a situation, try looking at it from another perspective and ask yourself, "What is it that you are supposed to learn from this situation?". Situations are put in your life to learn from, not to just keep you down.

I'm now working out on a regular basis 2-3 days a week, eating more vegetables and fruits, and I'm drinking a lot more water than I have ever had. Don't get me wrong, I always drank water, but I am drinking the amount I should be drinking on a regular basis.

I have already lost over 10 pounds with the 21 Day Fix program (It is an exercise/portion control program) and Shakeology! I will continue to use this program because it is working for me.

This isn't so bad! So thank you Lord for showing me the changes that I needed to make in my life!


Lessons Learned From This Experience

You are your child's advocate!
Be in close communication with your child's teacher!
Pray for the best!





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